Update [Gucci Fairytale] Now Available!/[구찌 동화] 업데이트 출시!

Hi guys! I'm happy to anounce that the new update for the stripper route is now available.

안녕하십니까, 슈라이벤입니다! [히말라얀 버킨백을 위하여] 스트리퍼 루트의 새로운 업데이트가 출시되었다는 소식입니다.

WARNING : This game contains textual depictions of violence, gambling addiction, drug use,  mental illness and sex industry. This game depicts illegalities such as sex industry, human trafficking and murder. Player discretion is advised. You must not play this game if you're under age 18.

경고 : 이 게임은 폭력, 도박 중독, 약물 오남용, 정신 질환 등의 소재를 다루고 있습니다. 선정적인 소재 또한 다루고 있습니다.  이 게임은 성산업, 인신매매, 살인 등의 범법행위를 다루고 있습니다. 게임 플레이시 주의가 필요합니다. 18세 미만 청소년의 플레이를 금지합니다.

Following are what you can expect from [Gucci Fairytale] :

  • 13,243 words
  • 9 scene sketches by Schreiben
  • 3 character sketches by Schreiben
  • revision on previous chapters

[구찌 동화] 업데이트에는 다음과 같은 내용이 포함되어 있습니다 :

  • 8,760개의 단어
  • 9장의 장면 스케치 (슈라이벤 작)
  • 3장의 캐릭터 스케치 (슈라이벤 작)
  • 이전 내용의 수정 및 보완

Well, surprise! Ya'll thought military obligation would stop me from working on my VN? Nah, I can't be stopped! I got a story I must tell. But sadly I lost my access to both digital and traditional art tools. Except for paper and pencil. Yes. That's the only thing I used to make this update happen.

I hate publishing unfinished products. I hate publishing sketches. Because I'm a perfectionist. I never publish something unless I think it's the absolute best I can manage. But current circumstances doesn't allow that, sadly.

I didn't want to let this project die like this. Nor I could have you guys wait for years. I felt I must let you guys know that I'm still working on the project, and I wanted to make sure I'm not giving up on this. I wanted to deliver something. Even if the visuals might not be as entertaining as usual.

So... that's the reason why new CGs and character sprites are colorless sketches QwQ

Hope you enjoy nonetheless.


ForHimalayanBirkin0.3-0.3-win.zip 826 MB
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ForHimalayanBirkin0.3-0.3-mac.zip 816 MB
6 days ago
ForHimalayanBirkin0.3-0.3-linux.tar.bz2 808 MB
6 days ago
com.domain.forhimalayanbirkin-release.apk 851 MB
6 days ago

Get For Himalayan Birkin - Visual Novel


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thank you for telling your story despite such difficult circumstances. your dedication to providing us with such an incredible work of art is admirable 


Thank you for your continued support😆 It's my pleasure to deliver you this update(although it might be in such sketchy form), and I'd never be able to stop it knowing you're out there waiting for it❤️